Monday, May 01, 2006

What'd you say?

The organisation here is called IMED, you can see what that stands for in one of the pics in the "It's a zoo out here" entry, below. Behind the monkey. A very christian organisation, protestant - I am strongly discouraged from mentioning drinking & smoking and certainly not anything more hard-core than that. Swearing is also frowned on, but you can't work with computers and not swear, so I am introducing them to this concept (frequently) and while they did tend to look down at their feet and shuffle a bit at the beginning, they now seem to be getting used to it.

I have a Romanian colleague working here with me who arrived complete with a big sticker on the top of his laptop saying "", in big bold white text on a red background. Unmissable. The IT boys saw it and were completely goggle-eyed. However, It's not actually a sex site - just albania's equivalent of jobserve (i.e. a job-hunting site), it's just that they weren't getting any hits with their original name...

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