Saturday, February 18, 2012

Pointe Alphonse Favre (in the Aiguille Rouges)

One I've been wanting to try for a couple of years. Starting at Flegere with on the classic Crochues-Berard traverse, but about halfway around the traverse just turn straight up the big couloir and climb to the top of the Pointe Alphonse Favre. Then there is a big descent, 30 degrees max at the top (so quite gentle), with a bit of it going over the Glacier du Mort (yup, "glacier of death"'s not so bad). You end up in Le Buet and the train back to Chamonix. A really lovely descent, less travelled than the standard Crochues Berard and longer. And there is a very interesting and steep couloir option (west face) below the Pointe, facing the Col de Berard, that would be worth a look at sometime. Full set of pics here.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Petite Envers (From the Aiguille du Midi)

I actually did this same route three times, over a couple of weeks, with Bob. All in slightly different conditions; no fresh snow, a bit of fresh snow, at -52C below on the Aiguille du Midi arrete (with wind-chill), and once when my binding broke halfway down, though luckily I could still ride it out. This map is an old one, so the glacier formation has changed a lot, but the route we took is roughly marked in purple. What you can see here represents about 4km of skiing. After the picture, there is about another 5k to the end of the glacier (very gentle), then another 4k along a track back to Chamonix itself - so a minimum of 13k in one run...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Couloir 2 at Vormaine (Le Tour)

Couloir 2 (route shown) may not be it's real name but working left to right in this pic it fits. We'd been at Grande Montets all day, rocking the pistes and racing, and thought we'd finish up with a quick run down this at Le Tour, that neither myself nor Bob had ever done. Snow was not great, to be fair, quite hard, but the ambience was nice and it's good to know for a nice cold winter day with fresh snow, when you could really bomb down it, given it has a huge run-out area. Couloir 4, two over, going down a bit left, then hooking right, looks like the daddy though...